The Foundation’s projects

Supported Projects

Since its creation in 2019, more than 60 projects led by charities throughout France have been funded. You will discover some of them below in the different fields of animal assisted therapy.


The Dômes Pharma Corporate Foundation’s mission is to enable the most vulnerable among us to share a moment of complicity, relaxation or care with an animal in order to benefit from the profound and lasting benefits that this relationship brings.



The Dômes Pharma Foundation in figures




5 years

of experience

200 000 €

invested per year

Alert & assistance dogs

The Dômes Pharma Foundation is committed to providing regular support to charities that train assistance or alert dogs, in order to give back autonomy to sick or disabled people, including : :

•  Handi’ Chiens, trains and provides assistance dogs free of charge to people with disabilities and/or vulnerable people.

•  ACADIA, trains and provides free assistance dogs for young insulin-dependent diabetics.

•  Lien KNIN, trains and provides free assistance dogs for people with autism spectrum disorders.

•  Les Chiens du silence, trains and hands out hearing assistance dogs free of charge to people who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Social measures & disability

A source of relief and stimulation, animal assisted therapy facilitates healing, communication and integration of sensitive populations. It is with this hope that the Dômes Pharma Foundation supports these projects, among others:

•  Gamelles Pleines, fights against the social exclusion of people in precarious situations through the animal dimension.

•  Soleil AFELT, organisation of animal assisted therapy sessions for children hospitalised in the oncology and neuro-paediatric units of the CHU in Angers.

•  Vetericare, a solidarity-based financing solution for animals in life-threatening emergencies whose owners are unable to pay the veterinary costs.

•  La Ronzière, organisation of animal assisted therapy sessions in its educational farm for people with disabilities.

Scientific research

Because today’s projects will meet tomorrow’s needs, the Dômes Pharma Foundation finances theses and research projects in the field of animal assisted therapy, such as

•  The Equiphoria Institut , for a study on the effects of horse therapy on the quality of life of women diagnosed with breast cancer.

•  The NOSAÏS project , which studied the ability of detector dogs to identify COVID 19 patients by smell.

•  The F. Gaillanne Foundation, for a study on the impact of the daily contribution of a dog with blind babies (from 15 months).

Animal welfare

Since we are all Linked by Nature, it is our responsibility to act against animal abuse. Among the organisations supported, we can count :

•  Animalience, an animal assisted therapy organisation that wishes to train in animal kinesiology for the well-being of its animals.

•  Chats des Rues, carries out actions for the protection of stray cats (information, sterilisation, care).

•  La Caravane du Djoukel, a charity intervening in the reception areas for travellers to raise awareness of animal welfare.

•  Seconde Chance, a platform that centralises the ads of animals for adoption in more than 1,600 animal protection associations in France.

•  Soul Shelter, an association which accompanies animals at the end of their lives in order to offer them the best possible emotional and comfort conditions.

The Foundation

Dômes Pharma Foundation

In 2019, the Group created a Corporate Foundation.

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Our Values

Our heritage is also historical values.

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