Animal Assisted Therapy Foundation

From words to deeds

Witnessing for more than 70 years the unique bond between Humans and Animals, the Dômes Pharma Group wished to create in 2019 a Corporate Foundation dedicated to Animal Assisted Therapy. Its mission: to allow the most fragile among us to share a moment of complicity, relaxation or care with an animal in order to benefit from the profound and lasting benefits of this relationship.

As the current CEO of Dômes Pharma’s US subsidiary, granddaughter of René and Simone MOULIN and daughter of Jean MOULIN, Anne MOULIN and the founding members wished to pay tribute to the Group’s historical commitment to the human-animal relationship, while at the same time making a commitment to the most vulnerable people.

It is within the framework of the Group’s CSR approach and its desire to strengthen its commitment to society that the idea of a corporate Foundation dedicated to Animal Assisted Therapy was born, to enable the sick, the disabled and the elderly to share a moment of complicity, relaxation or care with an animal in order to benefit from the profound and lasting benefits that this relationship brings.

The foundation’s experts

3 experts in Animal Animal Assisted Therapy accompany the Foundation in the evaluation of projects to be subsidised


Dr. in Social Sciences


Co-founder of the Equiphoria Hippotherapy Centre


Vet. of the International Equestrian Federation


Vet and consultant


Vet and research professor

Supported projects

The Dômes Pharma Foundation has chosen to focus on two areas related to health and animals: