Our CSR commitments

The Dômes Pharma Group committed to a CSR approach back in 2017. But since 2020, the context and the world have changed. The health crisis has left lasting traces, and the climate emergency has become a reality. To meet the challenges of the future, organisations need to reinvent themselves and find new ways of creating and sharing value.

Today, the Group’s CSR policy is an integral part of our strategic plan.

A development plan that is no longer just a destination but a move, a step aside to change our way of doing things, to develop ourselves while at the same time developing a positive footprint… What we have defined as Smart moves, i.e. intelligent, clever, judicious movements.


« Referring to the triple bottom line “People, Planet, Profit” our ambition is to develop business while respecting people and the environment to increase our POSITIVE IMPACT. »
CSR Report 2023


In 2021, the Group has opted for a CSR index, or Triple Bottom Line, which takes into account the profits or losses generated by the company’s social, environmental and economic activities: 33% People, 33% Planet 33% ans 33% Profit.

OUR GOALS: PEOPLE To focus on the skills and development of employees within the Group. PLANET –  To significantly improve our carbon footprint by achieving at least 2 life cycle improvements on 80% of the products we manufacture by the end of 2025. PROFIT – Maintain profitable growth to ensure our independence and finance our investments, guide our decisions and actions to satisfy all our customers and maintain a unique and personalised relationship.

Strategic plan

Smart Moves 2025

Grow with a positive footprint.

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CSR Report 2023

Increasing our positive impact

Download the report on our 2023 actions for sustainable development.

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The 3 pillars of our CSR policy



Generating a positive social impact

DEVELOPING TALENT: Focusing on the integration and development of employees’ skills, their professional development and their personal fulfilment within our Group.

PROMOTING FEMALE LEADERSHIP: With the aim of achieving 50% female representation in management positions by 2030, the Group has set up a programme to help female employees assert themselves and develop their professional ambitions.

MEASURING ENGAGEMENT: After two QWL barometers in 2018 and 2021, the Group launched its first engagementometer this year, which serves as the basis for annual monitoring taken into account in our CSR index.

IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE AT WORK: Improving the working environment and conditions, in particular through the introduction of the Time Savings Account (TSA).




Generating a positive environmental impact

RAISING AWARENESS ABOUT CSR: Informing employees about the challenges of sustainable development, defining CSR, gathering their expectations and disseminating the company’s initiatives and objectives. Encourage initiatives and best practices in all departments.

REDUCE OUR CARBON FOOTPRINT: Implementation of the 2023 “Green actions” roadmap to reduce our carbon footprint, based on the conclusions of the working group set up following the carbon assessment carried out in 2021-22. The ambition is to significantly reduce our carbon footprint and even aim for carbon neutrality by 2025.

IMPROVING OUR PRODUCTS: Developing or optimising packaging to improve the ecological impact of our products by working on the various points of an eco-design cycle.




Generating a positive economic & societal impact

CORPORATE FOUNDATION: For a more inclusive and supportive society, DÔMES PHARMA set up a Foundation in 2019 to fund animal therapy programmes and, since 2024, projects to improve the well-being of carers in the veterinary and animal care sectors.

WORKING TOGETHER AND LISTENING: Weaving strong, close relationships with our stakeholders, investing within our territories and maintaining a unique, personalised relationship.

MAINTAINING PREFERENTIAL RELATIONS WITH SCHOOLS, UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH: It is both a social duty to participate in the education of young people and an opportunity to draw on research teams at the cutting edge of innovation.





The Smart Moves 2025 plan, to grow with a positive footprint.

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Our Values

Our Values

Our heritage is also historical values.